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Showing posts with the label Prehistoric Story

Know About Women Hunter - A Prehistoric Story

In this post we will know about prehistoric story about Woman Hunter.  For a long time, it was assumed that hunting in prehistoric societies was primarily carried out by men. Now a new study adds to a body of evidence challenging this idea. The research reports the discovery of a female body, buried alongside hunting tools, in the Americas some 9,000 years ago. Discovery of Woman Hunter The woman, discovered in the Andean highlands, was dubbed Wilamaya Patjxa individual 6, or “WPI6”. She was found with her legs in a semi-flexed position, with the collection of stone tools placed carefully next to them. These included projectile points – tools that were likely used to tip lightweight spears thrown with an atlatl(also called a spear thrower). The authors argue that such projectile points were used for hunting large animals. WPI6 was between 17 and 19 years old at the time of death. It was an analysis of substances known as “peptides” in her teeth – which are markers for biological sex -

Innovation History of the Crock Pot

Wellcome to Innovative Story section of Subrata-Tax-Blog our today's   story is about "Innovative History of Crock Pot". When Leeann Wallett reflects on happy days from her childhood, she thinks of New Year’s Eve. Each year, Wallett’s mother would whip up an impressive spread of 1970s-style appetizers. “My mom was never a huge cook,” Wallett recalls, “but when she did cook, it was spectacular.” The centerpiece of these meals was a miniature Crock Pot called the Crockette , which kept food hot from dinner until the clock struck midnight. The recipes varied from year to year—sometimes tangy-sweet meatballs mixed with pineapple, sometimes cocktail weiners jazzed up with cherry pie filling—but all still strike a deep chord of nostalgia for Wallett, who grew up to become an avid h